Monday, January 14, 2008

ParTee Girls Golf News - January 14, 2008

On Sunday, January 6, the PTG Officers and Chairs toasted the end of one successful season and anticipated the start of the next PTG season. We shared our personal highlights for the 2007 season. Among the most memorable were the Kickoff Brunch in February when we were presented with fabulous PTG logo golf shirts; the challenging golf at beautiful Shadow Lakes, Franklin Canyon, Spring Valley and Poppy Ridge; the Holiday Party gift exchange and some memorable 19th Holes! A big highlight for Julie Fong, our 1st President's Club Champion, was her first ever birdie!

Then our 2007 Board presented reports to the 2008 Board.

  • President Elisabeth Marty passed the gavel to incoming President Deb Zipp.
  • Vice-President & Membership Chair, Carmela Filamor recruited 10 new members that leaves a net membership of 31 members for Linda Lockyer to build upon.
  • Treasurer, Kathleen Fong built and safeguarded a healthy treasury that will now be managed by Julie Fong.
  • Secretary, Linda Lockyer handed off PTG records and election process to Susan Batchelor-Calkins.
  • Tournament Co-Chairs, Susan Batchelor-Calkins and Deb Zipp reported on 2007 tournament participation and announced the 2008 tournament schedule, for Amy Stout and Marissa Felizardo, two of our newest members, to manage.
  • Paula Lewis, our 2008 Handicap Chair, has been peeking over Kathy Lemon's shoulder for the last year in anticipation of stepping into her shoes. Kathy, thanks for a great job and for sharing your wealth of rules knowledge and experience.
  • Historian, Linda Johnson, will be succeeded by another new member, Maria Kay, who loves to make people smile as she snaps their photo.
  • Lana Yagle, our ever-tasteful Social Chair who has found elegant venues for our social functions, has passed the "wineglass, cloth napkin and menu" to Maria Espiritu.

The new board exchanged enthusiastic ideas for future PTG events that included themed tournaments, informal 9-Hole tournaments, clinics and perhaps a "stay and play" in Napa before we ran out of time. We want to develop the club to keep our current members involved and attract new members. To that end, we welcome your ideas, creativity, and assistance in this endeavour.